A Journey into the unknown... part 8: Fawnlings
journal entry for:
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
today's crossovers: <a href="http://angelogjustice.blogspot.com/">Trunks</a>

I was staying with the Chang-ling. Sing-mu, War-tu, Jin-su and Ling-pa all cared for me.

War-tu taught me how anything can become a weapon if you need it, even your life force.
With him, I trained; He taught me how to use a bow, daggers, spears and swords… He taught me how to use my hands and how to call upon my own power…

I learned about the stars and how to read them.
As I was studying, Norn freaked…
He gurggled something about the teddy… I went and looked…

"Silly old Norn, Its just a teddy bear," I took the cute teddy, and put it in my ship with my bag…

"I am going to explore a bit, just some of the planets around in this system… I will return before we leave." I said as I waved…
I felt brave since the Chang-ling's planet travel by wormhole. I really didn't think I would see the Corru anymore…
I went to this swampy planet… The Planet was sad and alone…. Suddenly I felt a great pain, I was in so much pain … "ARGHHHHHH!!! NORN!!!!" I cried, "Daddddddy , Mommmm…" Then everything went dark… I was unconscious but was aware of … Pain and it was horrible… I was sickened by the pain and tried to use my life energy to block out the pain but I couldn't…
When I woke and the pain was finally gone I laid naked under a blanket… I looked down… Blood was all around me and my cloths was torn… I was different… Okay I had growing pains before but this was worse, and real sudden… It was this planet… Something about this planet's energy was … familiar and had caused my change…
"Gurgggle gurggle.." Norn said as he changed from one form to the next…
"Yes, Norn, it seems I have had a growth spurt…" I cried
"Gubgub gurbb." Norn squealed…
"What do you mean I look different too?" I asked… Norn brought me a mirror…

I was different, I had pointed ears…
I stood and grabbed my bag…
"Gururur rubleruble?" Norn asked
"Yes Norn I am taking my teddy bear….." I answered
"Ruggggggurlar gubbgurgle?" Norn asked another question
"Well, What would you suggest? My cloths ripped when I grew and I have nothing that fits… So I guess Naked it is.." I answered him again..
As we walked I came to deep swampy waters, "Norn there is something so familiar with this place… I am going for a swim, Sorry but you will have to stay here."

I dived in and began to swim around… Soon I looked and saw a familiar face…
It was Norn… "Okay looks like you can breath under water too…"

After looking around I return to the surface… My bag had been searched and gone through…
"Norn stay close…." I said, we were being watched…
As I was walking around I turned, something came from the trees…. It landed in my hand…

The frog stood on its hind legs and then… "My it is… I mean... You are a Fawnling! My there hasn't been a Fawnling here in…..

well so long I can't remember, but of course I have never seen a real Fawnling before, only pictures. The Corru enslaved and killed all the Fawnlings before my grandfather was even born. I had my doubts when you went into the water, Fawnlings wasn't suppose to be very strong swimmers. Mainly hated the water but I guess the books are wrong."
Before I could ask, the teddy bear jumped out…..

"AGGGGGG, what is that!" The Froggy screamed… Norn also freaked…
The Teddy became alive but I felt no life, so I couldn't tame it or calm it with my ability to soothe an animal…

Suddenly my energy fired off a green and yellow blast the Teddy Bear was knocked far away..
"WOW, I didn't know Fawnlings could do that." The froggie said…
"I am not a Fawnling, but I may have their life force inside me. It is a long story. Where are the books on the Fawnlings?" I asked still amazed that I could attack with energylike that…
"I can show you. This way, but be careful. The Corru has sentinels here…" The frog warned..
Norn whimpered and I was worried but I wanted to learn… Of all the worlds they had destroyed, this one had survived. It must have been one of the races that fled to Scarratun…
As the frog hopped I asked the obvious, "Where is your village?"
"Destroyed by the Corru, I am the last of my kind. I am a Phish. My name is Mr. Ker." The froggie said…
He took me to the old village of the Fawnlings, I found cloths and weapons… A bow, staff and dagger. I took them and looked through the scrolls… It talked about the Corru enslaving them and them leaving because they had heard the Corru had a planet killer.
"GLUB rurGLUB!" Norn screamed… I looked and stood…

I grabbed a handful of scrolls and then took off for my ship. I dropped all but 2 as I ran.
As I was leaving, "Justice, take me please. I can teach you everything you want to know about the Fawnlings." Ker hopped up and down…
I nodded and he and Norn got on my ship…
"Gurgble Gugle." Norn yelled pointing at the Teddy coming back badly beaten..
"No you can't come, you have to stay here." I said as I took off…

I flew back to the planet of the Chang-ling, I told them what I had found…
Just then alarms was sounded and War-tu left to fight…
"Norn take Ker in the hut." I yelled grabbing my bow…

"This child is under our protection!" War-tu yelled as Jin-su tried to get me to leave…

"No I will fight!" I yelled… A monster came from behind and grabbed me, "Let me go…"
The Chang-ling began to fight… Drawing the planet's energy, my skin changed and the monster let me go… I looked at myself and I had thorns like a rose thorn, all over me.. The monster began to get sick. He had been poisoned…
I then used Nature's Grasp and Insect swarm against many of the Corru soldiers that was with this Mercenary. One of the Corru came behind me and hit me. He started shaking his hand… I had made my skin like bark… I then blasted him with some energy. Using Nature's Grace, I drew from the planet's energy to feed mine and the blasts became stronger…

Several Corru fell… War-tu had killed many and the Mercenary fled in a ship…
We saw the Corru armada but then the planet Illuminated its light and they were gone… well atually we were gone. The Planet had moved again…
After we had searched and check to make sure no Corru was on the planet. I left to write in my journal… New power discovered: I seem to be able to ……
[Meanwhile… The Merc arrives on the Corru flag-ship…"Empress, I have disturbing news… I have witness great power with the child."
Not so far away, A portal opens, out walks Miari… He is on a swampy planet… Stormcutter flies from his hands to a ghost village… The sword lands near scrolls…. Miari tries to lift it but the sword will not budge, until he picks up a scroll and then the sword flies to the next scroll. It continues to fall near the scrolls… Miari picks one up and reads it… After several hours of reading scrolls Storm cutter suddenly jumps in his hands, he turns to see….]

Well well now it gets fun
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